Treating Patient's Dental Needs In San Diego For Over 30 Years. Rotating images of staff members, San Diego skyline, boats in the bay, coronado island

Welcome to Our Office

Your dentist has referred you to us because they believe that your present condition requires the experience and skill of an endodontist (root canal specialist). Our advanced training and education in root canal therapy and surgical techniques enables us to provide endodontic care efficiently, predictably, and comfortably with the utmost concern for your personal well-being. The overall goal is to preserve your teeth for esthetics and function.

We use only safe and effective materials in connection with your root canal treatment. Our priority is to provide state-of-the-art endodontic treatment while maintaining strict operating protocols. We take every reasonable step to remain at the forefront of our profession. Among other advance techniques and instruments utilized by us, we take digital radiographs which give us instant x-ray images with minimal radiation exposure compared to traditional x-rays. In addition, the operating microscope and ultrasonic unit are available for difficult or unique surgical and non-surgical endodontic therapy. As a result, we are able to complete procedures with far greater precision and success.

We are members of the San Diego County Dental Society, California Dental Association, American Dental Association, and the American Association of Endodontists. Our expert team is led by Dr. Joseph Cave, D.D.S. and Dr. Anthony Potente, M.S., D.D.S., as well as, an experienced and dedicated endodontic staff.